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Christ Church Cathedral in Indianapolis, Indiana has placed a statue of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph inside a cage to protest President Donald Trump’s immigration policy. The church was responding to reports of immigrant detention centers where children were separated from their families and were sleeping in cages on a concrete floor.


In April of 2018, the Trump administration announced a “zero-tolerance” policy for individuals who attempt to illegally migrate to the United States. All adults attempting to enter the U.S. must be criminally prosecuted, which left over 2,000 children to wait inside of immigration center cages. Many of the families attempting to enter the U.S. are seeking refuge from violence taking place in their homelands of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.


On June 20, 2018, President Trump signed an executive order to keep parents united with their children, but the government has not released any new information about how many children remain separated from their families.


The church says its goal is to “bring awareness to the humanitarian atrocities from our nation’s ‘zero tolerance’ immigration policies.”


“[Some] forget that (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were) a homeless family with nowhere to go,” the churches dean Steve Carlsen told CBS news.


“We will not stand by while children are being taken from their parents, and families are being taken from our communities and congregations,” Carlson told the Associated Press.

ALSO READ:  Pastor Loses Teenage Sons in Crash, Says He’s Keeping Faith in God Anyway


By Keshia McEntire

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