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Can Prayer Help If Your Teenager Is Depressed?

Depression is real but prayers can help you overcome it. If you’re a parent of a teenager going through depression, hold on to this hope. God will make things better for you and your child. As a Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we know that God can change lives. Let us be more prayerful so we can stay in line with God’s purpose for our lives.

Here’s something more encouraging! According to this study, there is significant evidence that a teenager’s faith-based upbringing helps them have a healthy mind. Because depression is a mental illness, teenagers can overcome depression when they are exposed to many faith-based activities such as prayer meetings, Bible studies, or meditation, among others.

Here are some more ways that prayer helps an adolescent overcome depression.

  • Prayer Points to the Source of Hope
    When a teenager prays, they also admit that they are weak on their own. So, they turn to another source of strength to make them persevere. This gives them hope to keep going despite their depression. They know that when they pray, they are accessing a very rich supply of hope to win over their depression.
  • Prayer Teaches the Brain
    Prayers consist of words that can influence the way our mind works. When teenagers pray for how the Lord will lift their sorrowful heart, they are also teaching their brain to focus on God. This way, they are empowering themselves to overcome depression by shifting to another strain of thought.
  • Prayer Brings New Friends
    As a non profit organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we are exposed to prayer gatherings. In these events, we meet different people who have the same desire to trust in God no matter how difficult the challenges they face in life are. When your teenager joins these prayer gatherings, they can also meet other friends who can be their support system.
  • Prayer Helps Us Understand Suffering
    When we pray, we are directing our thoughts to Jesus Christ. We know we can trust in Him to see us through our depression because He also knows how it is like to suffer and be alone. Even if Jesus did not go through depression, we know that He perfectly understands what it is to need someone who can listen to their sorrow. That was the essence of His cries in the Garden of Gethsemane.
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These are just among the many things that prayers can do for you and your teenager. We encourage you to always seek out opportunities to be with people who can pray with and for you. Encourage your child also to look for these kinds of people in their environment. Even as a Charity Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we know that prayers can empower people.

At GIANTABILITY, we have programs and resources that can help lift your child from low situations including depression. We invite you to tune into Giantability TV station or grab a copy of Livinghope magazine for more inspiration.

Stay strong! Be encouraged every day!

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