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The Importance of Complementary Colors in Graphic Design

Colors added to energize our life. As we face challenges everyday we should make a better decision and that's what makes our life colorful. Make sure to choose the right color to help influence your inner soul. Look at your surroundings, a lot of colors you see. That makes us unique, its like our attitude different from the others. That's also make us so colorful. To complement each other we should understand the individuals and our different colors. Business is your life and our life is like a graphic design. How you managed it, that's how you designed it. Colors can make or break the visual design of your website. Make sure that the colors your choose for your website are complementary to each other. Otherwise, it might look disarray. Its like to compliment others learn to blend your unique colors. Attitude is like a box of colorful crayons.

By: Kate Morales

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