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In her Opening Statement, Judge Jeanine Pirro said Americans must come "face to face" with recent evidence showing that the Obama administration sought to "destroy Donald Trump" prior to the 2016 election. On "Justice," Pirro said there is "hard evidence that the deep state planned to take down our duly elected president," adding that those responsible go from "President Obama, on down." She said that Obama officials James Clapper, Jim Comey and John Brennan are three "liars who can't get their stories straight." Pirro played tape of Comey telling comedian Conan O'Brien that he "doesn't find it possible and know[s] it not to be true" that a spy or informant was placed in the Trump campaign. Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, told ABC he doesn't like using the term "spy" in the context of allegations one was planted in the campaign. Pirro said Clapper "lies whenever he opens his mouth" and said the 77-year-old leaked information to CNN before currently ending up at the network as a contributor. Brennan, the former CIA chief, said that by Trump labeling a "confidential human source" as a "spy" does a "disservice to that individual." "They're all liars," Pirro said, adding that Obama and his administration were "so determined to get Hillary Clinton elected that they let [her] skate on her criminal activity" and instead created a "narrative" against Trump.

By: Mickey Oro Ugbonwa

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