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Anger can consume us. Wherever we go, we deal with different people, circumstances, and most of all, ourselves. Even with petty concerns like a book not pushed back properly on the shelf by a family member can test our patience. Our thoughts and principles can reflect how we handle circumstances like these—whether to let this go or get angry about it. We can never have full control of random situations and how people react, what we do have full control of are our actions and our thoughts. This is us having composure.

Our Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana strives to share the good news of the Lord and let his teachings be the basis of our moral compass. We are all travelers in this lifetime and the negative energy from getting angry will only consume us and prevent us from having meaningful connections with the people around us.

Here are helpful tips for you to apply:

  • Look at the Bigger Picture
    When you are confronted with conflict and have the chance to be a mediator, look at the bigger picture and weigh things down if you should get involved or be the person who can bring both parties to an agreeable conclusion. Putting peace above everything else lets us all enjoy a happy life and an environment that hosts camaraderie instead of hatred and destruction.
  • Be Someone You Can Be Proud Of
    Should you get involved in an unfavorable situation, think of how you will see yourself in the future when you come back to that place and the community of people who have witnessed what occurred. Winning an argument does not guarantee you a righteous feeling in the end so also consider not just how you will feel but how the other person will feel as well.
  • God is Always Watching
    Whatever happens, God is always watching us. It brings great comfort knowing that whenever we remain good and faithful to God, we are able to manifest the goodness in our hearts and help spread the love and positivity all around.
ALSO READ:  “Silence”: The New Secular Film Shares the Good Word of Jesus Christ

(NIV) Psalm 37:8-9 says:
“Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.  For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the LORD will inherit the land.”

Because in every little thing we do, we always have the free will to choose whether to do well or not with one another. Let us always choose the good for the greater glory of God since it also makes us responsible Christians to our families, friends, and the communities we partake in.

Support Non-profit organizations in Indianapolis, Indiana that help spread the loving teachings of God. Let us save humanity with one kind act at a time.

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