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A Christian group, Gemme Sisters Club, has finalized plans to take an outreach to female inmates in selected prisons in Lagos State.

Joan Kpandei, Founder and Coordinator, Gemme Sisters Club

Founder and Coordinator of the Group, Joan Kpandei, disclosed this at the ministry’s bimonthly fellowship in Lagos State with the theme, “Stepping out in Faith”. Kpandei said the vision for the outreach was divinely inspired and as such the ministry has concluded plans to execute the call by March.

She invited well-meaning brethren to step out in faith with the members of the ministry as they touch lives with love.

She said, “By the grace of God we are going to the prison this year, and we already made a visit there this week. God has opened my eye to more people who need this hope message, [to] more people that are very hopeless.

“The vision actually came while I was watching the television and I questioned if it was actually God or just myself. But I was encouraged when a sister reached out to support the project.”

Speaking on the preparation for the visit, Kpandei said “We visited the Prison at Kirikiri on Wednesday and we have been told to write to the Controller of Prisons before we can be approved for our program in March. So I am going to do that next week, and by God’s grace we will be approved.”

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Kpandei explained that the purpose for the visit was just to share the message of hope to those broken-hearted inmates, as that was the sole aim of the Christian group, which is to share God’s message of hope to those broken and those healing.

Click to read our exclusive interview with Joan Kpandei, founder and coordinator of the Christian ministry, Gemme Sisters Club.

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