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Category Archives: Faith

Your Disability Ends Where Your Faith Begins

People define happiness and achievement the same as good health, money, adventure, and success. But when we look closely into it, there are some things that are beyond those. People with disabilities know this so well. A disability gives people a different view of the world, getting what they want is not always the source … Continue reading

Keeping Your Faith Despite a Disability

Motivating and encouraging someone are two acts that are equally different and important. These acts when given or received are very rewarding. People can easily do this on their own, they say one should not wait for encouragement and motivation to be given, that it should be done by oneself, but admit it or not … Continue reading

Keep the Faith by Feeling His Presence

Life is like a roller coaster ride. You experience a lot of highs and lows. One day you can be too excited about things and feel like the world means everything to you. Then another day, you see yourself feeling hopeless. Tough times can easily make you unable to feel His presence and lose faith … Continue reading

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