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People define happiness and achievement the same as good health, money, adventure, and success. But when we look closely into it, there are some things that are beyond those. People with disabilities know this so well. A disability gives people a different view of the world, getting what they want is not always the source of happiness. Happiness is a state of the mind, regardless of the situation. People with disabilities strive for happiness every day, same with those normal people in the streets and anywhere else. But happiness might be hard to achieve when you have a disability.

Here are a few tips on how people with disabilities can make themselves genuinely happy:

  1. Eliminate regrets
    Disability is such a heartbreaking situation that can possibly happen to everyone. If it happens, everything around them changes. Regretting can only add up to the negative feelings building up. Regrets don’t change anything that has happened already. Instead of regretting, think of ways on how you can overcome the current situation. Unloading regrets give you more space in your mind for you to think of new activities that suit your situation.

  2. Be independent
    As a fresh start with the situation, being dependent is inevitable but it doesn’t mean that you will always be dependent. Work on the things that you can still do on your own, from there work it up until you can find new ways of doing those things that you are used to doing. Doing things on your own gives you an immense feeling of happiness that helps you live a happier life.

  3. Love your unique self
    With your new self, learn to express feelings and thoughts just like how you used to. Don’t let the disability change you internally. Believe in what you can do, be proud that you are able to survive a huge challenge in your life.

  4. Make friends with people who can understand you
    There are groups and institutions who support people who are differently able. This is to help them achieve greater heights together as a team.

  5. Surround yourself with good people
    Good people are positive people. They radiate positive influence to all. It will not be easy but slowly train your mind to listen only to those who have positive effects on your emotions and attitude.

  6. Go to church
    This allows you to be thankful and grateful despite everything you are going through. Strengthen your faith, it is with your faith that you can rely on support and guidance. Pray for enlightenment and pray for a peace of mind. Prayers can do so much for our inner peace. People go to church to strengthen their faith so they can use it in daily activities.

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There are groups and non-government institutions that help you practice your faith together with a group who can support your needs. Giantability is a Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer activities that allow individuals, especially those who have disabilities, to express themselves by faith and by helping others. We run a Charity Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana that helps people tell their inspiring story to those who might have lost hope because of their condition.

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