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A Catholic Cleric, Reverend Father Hyginus Nwanze at Saint Agnes Catholic Church, Maryland, Lagos state, called on Christians to shine forth the light of Christ in their endeavors in order to portray the true essence of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The visiting priest, Father Nwanze made the call during his Easter sermon at the 8:30am Mass in the parish, adding that though the Holy week had passed Christians today celebrate the risen Jesus, and Christ expects them to bear His light in their endeavors.

He said, “Christ expects us to carry His light with us. The world will expect us to act as they do but no, we are different and should bear the light of Christ through our lives.

“Easter is here but not an end to our lives as carriers of the light of Christ. When the world go left those in Christ go right and when the world goes right, we go left. We are not of this world.”

A parisher, who pleaded anonymous told Giantabilitynews that, “Easter is the resurrection of the Lord. It is a period that Christians celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus.

“A period that reminds the world that God gave up everything to safe mankind.”

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She added that, “the period calls for sober reflection and worthy living and as a Christian just as Father said today, I am expected to be a light in my office, social and political life, not just during Easter but during my journey of life and call as a follower of our risen Jesus.”

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