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In preparation for the celebration of World Hepatitis Day (WHD), the World Health Organization (WHO), says it will improve funding and partnership to support the fight against the viral infection of Hepatitis as the disease has become a major killer due to lack of global attention.

World Hepatitis Day takes places every July 28, to bring the world together under a single theme to raise awareness of the global mishap of hepatitis as well as influence real change.

With the growing causality rate portrayed by WHO as 1.34 million deaths yearly and health challenges affecting 325 million people globally, the need to improve awareness has grown imperative.

WHO said that at least 60 percent of liver cancer resulted from Hepatitis B and C due to late testing and treatment which then leads to complications and death.

The theme: ‘Test. Treat. Hepatitis,’ was chosen as this year’s commemoration as low coverage of testing and treatment was the most important gap to be addressed.

The organization said that early screening and treatment of Hepatitis B and C could save lives and reduce pressure on families and countries globally, adding that there would be a better chance of achieving global elimination goals by 2030.

The Government of Mongolia, alongside WHO, will host series of events in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, to honor the World Hepatitis Day 2018.

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By Anne Bassey

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