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“Do not be afraid. I will save you. I have called you by name – you are mine. When you pass through deep waters, I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you. When you pass through fire, you will not be burned; the hard trials that come will not hurt you. For I am the Lord, your God.” – Isaiah 43:1-5, Holy Bible (ESV)

Sometimes, we go through challenges and situations that make us question our faith. Whether you have suffered a personal tragedy or if you have endured the loss of a loved one, there may come a time when your faith wavers.

Giantability, a renowned religious organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, offers the following tips on how you can strengthen your faith, particularly when you are struggling:

  1. Remember the blessings that you have received.
    When you are struggling, it is often easy to forget about the blessings that you have received. However, don’t let your struggles overshadow the good in your life – be they big or small. Your family, your health, your job, your friends, your home, and the fact that you woke up this morning – all of these may seem simple and inconsequential, but they are blessings that not everyone has. God blesses you every day and you may not even realize it.
  2. Read through His book
    One of the challenges of believing in God is that you don’t see or interact with Him directly. But that why He left us his Bible. His words. So, why don’t you open your Bible? You don’t have to look for a specific verse, just try opening it to a random page. Start reading and try to see what He wants to tell you. You never know, you might find the guidance that you need in His words.
  3. Know that God absolutely loves you
    God created you – He is the one who made you exactly as you are. He took the time to craft you and your existence itself is proof that He loves you. Think about how many times you’ve made mistakes and how each time, He forgives you. That’s unconditional, absolute love.
  4. Surround yourself with faithful friends
    As humans, we typically absorb the beliefs, attitudes, and mannerisms of whoever we choose to surround ourselves with. While some people say that they don’t lose their faith even when they are surrounded by faithless people, it is still ideal to surround yourself with like-minded friends who share your faith. Seeing and hearing others talk about their faith can be very inspiring and it can help further uplift your own faith.
  5. Know that it’s just a test
    Don’t give up and let doubt define your relationship with your God. Everything that you are going through – all of the challenges, the fears, the difficulties, and the heartaches are just tests sent down from God to see how you will react. Don’t give up. Prove your trust in God and believe that He is always with you. This is temporary.
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These are just 5 tips from your friendly charity organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. What are your thoughts?

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