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The treasure that every man on earth deserves is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Owing to the fact that humans cannot fathom the good in the “treasure,” they tend to celebrate “the bad” more than “the good”.

Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis 3), thereby condemning us to eternal damnation. Damnation that has no end, full of pain, regret, and gnashing of teeth. To save us from this, through God’s love for humanity, He sent his Son to die on the cross.

It is quite understandable that the world of today is a terrible place to live in, making nowhere safe. However, disheartening news rules the day on various media platforms.

The Bible makes us to understand that we are to rejoice at all times, no matter the situation we find ourselves. The gospel of Christ gives us hope, faith, encouragement and the enablement to trust in God. If we have a Heavenly Father that can destroy the world with water by snapping his fingers, who are we to fear?

God is extremely rich; His kingdom is full of gold. We all know how expensive gold is, imagine heaven full of it. His word says in Revelations 21: 21: “The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.”

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Knowing fully well our Father in Heaven is rich, do you not think we His children have the right to his inheritance? We are not poor! Not at all.

Many are not aware of the treasures they have access to, making them go through different means (the devil), to get results.

The devil always takes back what he gives to you, nothing is free when it comes to him. But for God, all things come at no cost, why? Jesus Christ has paid the price.

All that is expected of us to earn his inheritance and live with him for eternity is for us to acknowledge our sins, believe He is the only way to Heaven because He is the Son of God.

In view of the circumstances facing the nation, all hope is not lost. It is my prayer that God will uphold this great nation. AMEN.


By Ochidi Grace (Gracefiction)


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