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Kamala Harris Raises Record $81 Million in First 24 Hours

Vice President Kamala Harris


Democracy as a system of government is in itself innocent, however, the processes through which people arrive at it are susceptible and prone to all sorts of mistakes and irregularities due to human frailties.  The stepping aside of President Joe Biden from seeking a reelection can be describe as a demonstration of patriotism and statesmanship and it alludes to the saying that people should not trust a leader who initiates an action in which he himself has nothing to incur or loose.  Patriotism is all about sacrifice and selflessness and lends credence to this  revelation that, “Amidst 4th of July, we do well to acknowledge the existence of heroes.  They do not as in ancient times dwell on the mountain tops.  Our heroes are those among us who imputing all regard for themselves, act above and beyond the call of duty and in so doing, give definition to patriotism and elevate all of us. Ideals such as peace, freedom, justice, opportunity, and individualism are just dreams without someone to turn those ideals into reality.  Let’s never forget the debt we owe to our fellow citizens.  America is the land of the free because we are  the home of the brave” (David Mahoney). The uncommon action of President Joe Biden in endorsing his vice, Kamala Harris who is a daughter of an Immigrant and the first black female vice president and a presidential candidate  nominee of the  democratic party serves to answer two important questions that hitherto had been as a weapon on the lips of the former President Donald Trump which are the issues of race, and immigration.


Joe Biden: The President | The White House

President Joe Biden

The endorsement of Kamala Harris has proved convincingly that the Democratic Party members are indeed the true democrats who believe in uniting the United States of America and have zero tolerance for racial discrimination. It is also an indictment on the republicans who have brazenly demonized all immigrants without taking cognizance of the difference between the legal and the illegal immigrants and with no recourse to the positive sides of the contributions of the millions of legal immigrants like  the parents of Vice President, Kamala Harris to the progress and development of America. It is therefore no wonder why  due to ignorance the Vice Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party, J. D. Vance,  who also is the running mate of Donald Trump denigrated Kamala Harris by saying that she has never been at any time grateful for what the United States of America has given her. Unfortunately, he has forgotten that the height by great men and women like Kamala Harris reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. Suffice to say that, no one who is either a legal immigrant or born in America owes any other fellow American thanks but all Glory should go to God who is the owner of the whole world and the creator of all that is within it.

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The immergence of Kamala Harris on the scene also possess a question that await an answer from all well-meaning Americans and the questions is, “what is the difference between the illegal immigrants who are considered as law breakers and a bonafide American citizen who also is a felon? Vice President Kamala Harris has assured Americans that by reason of her experiences both as  a prosecutor and an attorney of the state of California before she was elected a senator and now Vice President, knew well Donald Trump’s type, meaning that she knows how well to take care of people like the former President Trump.

Going forward, the coming election should give no room to divisive rhetoric’s especially when the yearnings of Americans with regard to a Presidential candidate that has age on his or her side as well as someone who has a proven track record in public service like Vice President Kamala Harris who before her election into the senate was the Attorney General of the State of California which is reputed to be the sixth largest economy in the world, have been answered.    Had the former President Donald Trump not believed in the capacity and competence of Kamala Harris, he would not have at a time allegedly donated 5 Million Dollars and 1 Million dollar respectively  to her during her campaign for the position of an Attorney General.


Let this words of admonition resonate with Americans : “history does not teach fatalism, there are moments when the will of a handful of freemen breaks through determinism and opens up new roads.  People gets the history they deserve” (Charles de Gaulle). In the same vein, according to Thomas Jefferson, “if a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be”. This is the moment that Americans have long waited for and change is now or never.

On a final note, God answers prayers but Prayers that are not well planned can be prayed amiss.  The part that Americans need to play is to engage the wisdom of God in choosing leaders who are God fearing as exemplified by acts of honesty and integrity both in the past and at present. It is unrighteous to pitch ones tent with an insurrectionist and a convict while believing on God to bless the country America.  Wisdom is not only the principal thing, it is profitable to direct.  Pray this prayer for America and be mindful of the content for the Bible says “for by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned” – Matthew 12:37. The just shall live by his faith and not excuses and lies as the case is with the former President Donald Trump. There is no controversy about the superiority of light over darkness, America is the beacon of light and because the devil operates in the region of darkness, the children of light are above for that which is from above is above all.

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Prayer for our Country, America  DANF American Flag 3x5 Feet USA Banner 100D Thicker Polyester US United State Flags with Brass Grommets 3 x 5 ft

Almighty God who has given us this good land, for our heritage.

We humbly beseech thee, that we may always prove ourselves

as people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will.

Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning and pure manners

Save us from violence, discord and confusion, from pride and arrogance

and from every evil way.

Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people,

the multitude brought hither out of many kindred and thongs.

Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy name,

we entrust the  authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home

and that through obedience to thy law,

we may show forth thy praise  among the nations of the Earth

In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness

And in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail

All which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen?

God Bless America!!


By: Samuel ‘Tunji Adeyanju


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