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Photos: Statue of Liberty through the years

History is the story of past events in relation to human activities.  All events are invented by man but the secret of a man is in his story.  The former president of the United States of America, J.F. Kennedy advised as follows: “let us resolve to be masters and not the victims of our history, controlling our own destiny without giving way to blind suspicions and emotions”. His advice serves as a clarion call to Americans especially at this trying moment when the country is confronted with options that require that Americans choose between good and bad, light and darkness.  This by extension is an admonition that Americans should count the costs and not to throw away the old bucket until they are sure that the new one holds water. It is very important at this juncture to make categorically clear the notable differences between the Republican and the Democratic Parties looking at their characteristics from experience and the prism of information. Most Americans seem not to observe that the Republicans have for a period of time been playing the role of spoilers and destroyers of whatever gains that have been made in the process of time by the democrats.  This can be seen from the events that marked the tenures of the former presidents, W. Bush and Donald Trump. Finding answers to this questions help to establish the facts provided by history. Which of the American Presidents lied to the world and used the pretest of going after the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was amassing to invade Iraq? Under whose regime was the United States of America attacked on its own soil in the form of the 911 by terrorists? Under whose Presidency were the American troops deployed to Afghanistan in 2006? The answer is President W. Bush and a Republican.

George W. Bush | Biography, Presidency, & Facts | Britannica

Former President George W. Bush

Furthermore, under whose Presidency was Osama Ben Laden, the Al-Qaeda leader who was the mastermind of the 911 terrorists attack on the American soil that led to the destruction of the twin towers and the loss of thousands of lives decimated and the economy of America and its social life brought back on track? The answer is President Barrack Obama, the first African American President and a democrat. It is important also to answer the question about under whose regime and presidency was the unprecedented Coronal 19 pandemic befell the world?  Under whose presidency also did America pull out of the Climate Change Agreement, a problem which now steers everyone in the face and a proof against the lies that was concocted against it? Under whose regime was the American Embassy moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The answer to these two questions is the former President Donald J. Trump.

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Moreover, it was in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the reality of which was whittled down by Donald Trump even when thousands of lives of Americans had been lost that he was kicked out of office and Joe Biden took over. The significant role that the administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris played in the fight against Covid cannot be overemphasized and that is what took us to where we are today and the rest about Covid 19 is history.  Just as the case was with President Obama who cleared the mess created by his predecessor, President W. Bush, a Republican, history is about to repeat itself as the former President Donald Trump is doing everything that is humanly possible regardless of its legality and morality to return to the Whitehouse.  A wise man admonishes us in this respect, “judge not of a ship as she lies on the stocks, wait till she has accomplish the voyage, and test everything by experience.  Human beings cannot be added up as column of figures.  You can only know man by living with him. The Chinese say, every character must be chewed to get its juice”.  This admonition is instructive especially in relation to the experience that Americans have had regarding the recklessness and high handedness in leadership during the four years tenure of Donald Trump. There is no gainsaying the fact that America is the strongest economy and with the strongest military in the world but take cognizance of the fact that wisdom is better than the weapons of war for it is the principal thing which also is profitable to direct.  The misery that is yet to be unraveled about Covid 19 is not about its source but about its intention.  I am of the belief that China employed Covid 19 as a biological weapon of war against Donald Trump and by extension, the United States of America.

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Barack Obama | Biography, Parents, Education, Presidency, Books, & Facts |  Britannica

Former President Barack Obama

The supportive fact to my believe and assertion is contained in the simple truth about why United States of America ended up as the country that lost the most number of lives even when it is not the most populous nation in the world.  It is surprising also that India which is the most populous country in the world came third on the list of the countries that lost the  most lives after Brazil, whereas China being the second most populous country in the world and the source from where the Coronal Virus came was behind considering the number of lives lost. Nigeria which happens to be the most populous black nation in the world as well as the most vulnerable when compared with the advanced Western countries, lost less than 5000 lives to Covid 19 pandemic. Why the Covid 19 Pandemic will be dismissed not as an unconventional warfare against America and the regime of Donald J. Trump going by the fact that America lost the most number of lives is an assertion to be controverted.

   So appalled': What witnesses told special counsel about Trump's handling of  classified info while still president - ABC News

Former President Donald Trump

Suffice to say that President Joe Biden is more respected by the Allies of America and among all members of the International community than Donald J. Trump and any theory on the contrary is nothing other than force wood.  Donald Trump’s reference to the wars going on between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine to which he alluded as having their causes in the weakness of President Biden is far from the truth from experience of how he moved the Embassy of the United States of America from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and some of his provocative utterances, the situation of the wars would have escalated beyond control if he were to be in charge.


Joe Biden - CNBC

President Joe Biden

On a final note, there is no point of comparison between the personalities of President Joe Biden and the former President Donald Trump and there is no gainsaying the fact that Donald J. Trump now being convicted of a crime that makes him the first former president and the presidential candidate of the United States with a criminal conviction will undermine the respected position that America is occupying among the committee of Nations. Once beaten, twice shy.  Americans are wiser than to fall a cheap pray in the hands of Donald J. Trump come November 5, 2024.  “View the whole world and with impartial eyes, consider and examine all that rise. Weigh well their actions and their treacherous ends, how greatness grows and by what steps ascends, what murders, treasons, perjuries, deceits, and  how many fall to make one  monster great”.  America is not under God but with God and God with Her.  God bless America

By:  Samuel Tunji Adeyanju

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