Author Archives: giantabilitymn
God is Omnipresent, even in the bleakest of situations
“As a pregnant heroin addict was about to inject herself in the arm last September officer Ryan Holets, of the Albuquerque Police Department, became her saving grace. Holets was responding to a call about a possible theft, the call later proved bogus. Yet there he was, officer Holets. Or for that matter, God was present … Continue reading
President Trump’s State of the Union: “In God We Trust”
“President Trump delivered his State of the Union address Tuesday night, January 30, 2018. In doing he brought to our attention his faith in God, Christ and the nation. The President stated, “We know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are at the center of the American life.” As it should be. Jim … Continue reading
A Christian school in Canada sued for rigidity on biblical principles
3 Ways Daily Bible Reading Can Change Your Life
In this busy world where we are so distracted by our responsibilities, activities, and other tasks, daily Bible reading becomes difficult to prioritize. Even if you want to do it, you become rushed and your daily responsibilities often take precedence over reading the Bible. At GIANTABILITY, a Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we encourage you … Continue reading
How Joining an Outreach Program Can Change Your Life
Do you want to leave your mark in this world? Do you want to make a positive change in the life of another person? While there are many ways for you to achieve these goals, one way that you should consider is by joining our outreach programs at GIANTABILITY. We are a
Trump triggers global religious unrest