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Everyday Godly Steps to Nurture a Lasting Marriage

As a Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we view marriage as a God-ordained commitment. Yet, many married couples today are facing challenges. From celebrities to our neighbor down the street, we can hear sad reports about divorce and separation. But, is there really a way that we can make our marriages last? Our answer is YES.

At GIANTABILITY, we know that only God can make marriages to last. Yet, this also needs our cooperation on a daily basis. While we respect your marital choices, we also hope you will consider these recommendations to work out your marriage and make it last. If you need prayers and support in making these steps, we are just here to pray with you.

  • Have an “Appreciation Day”
    If we have exchanged hurtful words in our marriage, appreciating our spouse in words can be difficult to do. Yet, you can make little changes one day at a time. Make it your goal to say appreciative words to your spouse every day. Select the items that are very close to their hearts. Consider these words as seedlings of love that you can harvest in the future.
  • Remind Yourself of God’s Intent
    In Matthew 19:5-6, we can read the words of Jesus explaining what marriage is to his listeners. Jesus said, it is God who joins a man and woman together in marriage; therefore, nobody should tear them apart. This is God’s intent for marriage. Remind yourself with this truth every day so you will be ever motivated to take care of your relationship.
  • Mind Your Thoughts
    The thoughts of a person are very powerful. The decision to divorce a spouse begins with this grain of thought. Do something to nip these kinds of thoughts every day. Avoid entertaining them. Replace these thoughts with things that you love about your spouse so you can be encouraged to protect your marriage.
  • Do Things Together
    You can strengthen the bond of your marriage when you make it a habit to do things together. Wash the dishes. Be volunteers in a Charity Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana. Doing things together will act as glue to strengthen your marriage.
  • Forgive Every Day
    There is a reason why the Bible instructs married couples to not let the day pass with anger still in their hearts. As you read Ephesians 4:26, you will also learn that everyday forgiveness is a must to make marriages last. If you miss even a day, you are already nurturing a small grudge that can easily escalate in the next arguments. Always choose to forgive.
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Gain more inspiration in life and in your relationships through our Livinghope Magazine. As a non profit organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we use these magazines not only to uplift our readers, but also to update them about our programs. We hope that this post can be empowering for you. If you need prayer support for your marriage, just let us know.

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