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Tag Archives: Religious Organization

Why You Should Forgive

Our human relationships strengthen and build us for as long as we are able to nurture these well. While there are hurts and wrongs committed along the way, we can still choose to surpass their consequences through forgiveness. The ultimate reason why we ought to forgive is that God Himself did it to us. God … Continue reading

Steps to Overcome Resentment and Enjoy Relationships

How do you know if you’re already being resentful? You will manifest the following signs: anger, willful unforgiveness, ungratefulness, and lack of empathy. Are you going through these issues lately? Do you know that being resentful can lead to bitterness, and makes you unhappy for as long as you don’t let them go? As a … Continue reading

Top 2 Reasons Why You Ought to Pray

Picture a person drowning in the middle of strong waves. The sky is dark. The rain is pouring hard. Lightning and thunder follow each other every second. The person is holding on to a piece of wood in trying to stay afloat, but every time, huge waves crash on them. Eventually, only an outstretched arm … Continue reading

Read & Be Inspired!

Why Your Time is Worth Reading our LivingHope Magazine Is there a secret to being inspired? As a Religious Organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we daresay that our ultimate source of inspiration is our God Almighty. After all, everything good comes from Him in abundance. However, we’re also called to be a channel of inspiration to … Continue reading

Love Endures and Love Prevails

God always gives us the chance to show our love and compassion to people we know or have just met through the things we do and how we relate to them. As humans, we are given the free will to do what we please, but on a much bigger scale, our actions must ultimately be … Continue reading

Always Look at the Bright Side of Things

No matter how tough things get, resilient people will always outlast any situation. Strengthen your faith in God, even for times when you are unsure of your future and your direction. God always sees his people through. In Philippians 4:6-7 it says: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and … Continue reading

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