“Information reaching us as contained also in some of the Nigerian Dailies of June 3rd and from one General Togun is that the invasion of the south west of Nigeria by the Fulani Militia from Mali, Senegal, Niger republic, Chad, Futa Jallon and others is imminent.”
United Nations was established after the Second World War with the sole aim of bringing countries of the world together and under the same thinking cap primarily to achieve the regulations of the use of nuclear weapons by the super power countries against themselves and the developing countries of the world. This idea was to checkmate the excesses of leaders who are tyrants and autocrats who could wake up one morning and consider the whole world ready for extinction.

However, the United Nations made up of about 195 countries of the world has been very effective at achieving international security; though not without pocket of violations here and there but not beyond control. There are other agencies of the United Nations whose activities have impacted in positive ways most of the developing countries of the world especially in the continent of Africa. Some of these agencies include – World Health Organization, UNICEF, US Aid and these have in no small way been a blessing to the world.
The pertinent question to ask is whether the United Nations was designed to be proactive or not. The reason is because over the years, the security council of the United Nations has been adjudged as the late comer intervention squad meaning that rather than being preventive in its effort at achieving world peace, it has adopted the curative approach which most of the times did leave much to be desired. This approach of the United Nations has encouraged avoidable genocide and carnage in most developing countries of the world. This calls for an answer from the leadership of the United Nations on weather all lives matter to all.
This brings us to the valley of decision as to whether all the other supports from relevant agencies of the United Nations to Africa should be received in good fate believing that they are well intentioned or not because it takes the living to get well regardless of what is given in the form of aids. Let the leadership of the United Nations be aware that there are agitations for self-determination by ethnic groups who feel marginalized and downtrodden for decades in various parts of Africa especially Nigeria where two of the major groups, the Yorubas and the Igbos are bend on going their separate ways, for by so doing, lies their freedom.
There is no gainsaying the fact that the present leadership of Nigeria is made up of human beings who as a matter of choice are not being human but animalistic in behavior. Don’t wait until Nigeria produces another Hitler from Nigeria and of the Fulani descent this time.
Information reaching us as contained also in some of the Nigerian Dailies of June 3rd and from one General Togun is that the invasion of the south west of Nigeria by the Fulani Militia from Mali, Senegal, Niger republic, Chad, Futa Jallon and others is imminent.
All hands must be on deck to make this an impossible task that the major ethnic groups in Nigeria may not go into extinction. It is saddening to learn that the overnight massacre carried out on two communities in Benue state this week has left a staggering number of 100 people dead. These people were slaughtered in their sleep by the Fulani Herdsmen who are the tribe’s men of the present president of the country, General Muhammadu Buhari.

In our judgment, we humbly advice the United States of America with Joe Biden at the arm of affairs not to release the Tokaanu jet planes ordered by Nigeria to fight insurgency now. Rather than being used to fight terrorism, they are likely to be used as instruments of oppression and repression of the people.
On a final note, the African continents would like to see the United Nations differently and positively different for ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed’ and ‘a stitch in time saves nine’.
Fulanis are born bandits